Superior Interdisciplinar Formation
UPC Multidisciplinary Formation Center of high rendiment
Superior Interdisciplinar Formation
UPC Multidisciplinary Formation Center of high rendiment
One of the main objectives of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) is to offer a high quality education oriented to the necessities of the environment. During the last years UPC has done a huge effort to incent this quality, actualizing course syllabus, promoting teaching innovation and improving resources destinated to support teaching.
With the creation of the Superior Multidisciplinary Formation Center (Centre de Formació Interdisciplinària Superior, CFIS), UPC enlarged his academic offer to cover, whit excelence and quality criteriums, an interdisciplinary formation specific for their own disciplines.
CFIS is an excelence center of the UPC created to get, select and tutel students with capacity and motivation enough to study interdisciplinar careers inside an innovating formation offer, that includes one or more Degrees that conform UPC offer.
CFIS started with the pilot experience of a double Degree with Telecommunications and Maths at 1999, and since 2003 is one more center at the University that incorporates every year a limitated number of high level students.
CFIS disposes of an own selection process that guarantees the idoneity of their students in order to achieve with success guarantees an intensive studio plan.
The center, for its operation, counts with the sponsorship and support of different institutions and private sponsors.
CFIS offers:
CFIS students are people who comes all over the State, from the rest of Europe and Latin America with high capacities and motivation to course cientific and tecnologic studies and that, previously to their enrolment, have had to succeed a rigourous selection process.
CFIS graduates are found at:
With the creation of the Superior Multidisciplinary Formation Center (Centre de Formació Interdisciplinària Superior, CFIS), UPC enlarged his academic offer to cover, whit excelence and quality criteriums, an interdisciplinary formation specific for their own disciplines.
CFIS is an excelence center of the UPC created to get, select and tutel students with capacity and motivation enough to study interdisciplinar careers inside an innovating formation offer, that includes one or more Degrees that conform UPC offer.
CFIS started with the pilot experience of a double Degree with Telecommunications and Maths at 1999, and since 2003 is one more center at the University that incorporates every year a limitated number of high level students.
CFIS disposes of an own selection process that guarantees the idoneity of their students in order to achieve with success guarantees an intensive studio plan.
The center, for its operation, counts with the sponsorship and support of different institutions and private sponsors.
CFIS offers:
- An interdisciplinary formation of excelence in a prestigious Technological Unversity.
- Two Degree titulations in a maximum of 5 years to choose between:
- Bachelor's degree in Telecommunications Technologies and Services Engineering (ETSETB)
- Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB)
- Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Technology Engineering (ETSEIAT)
- Bachelor's degree in Industrial Technology Engineering (ETSEIB)
- Bachelor's degree in Informatics Engineering (FIB)
- Bachelor's degree in Mathematics (FME)
- Bachelor's degree in Engineering Physics (ETSETB)
- Bachelor's degree in Data Engineering (FME+ETSETB+FIB)
- An own UPC qualification that certifies the adscription to center.
- A system of scolarship and grants to cover enrolment fees and/or accommodation in Barcelona.
- A personalized tutorship.
- Practices at external business, academic institutions and colaboration with departments, investigation centers and UPC colleges.
- A dynamic working ambient both exigent, in own Center facilities.
- Professional orientation when finishing the studies with active participation at the network of the Alumni of CFIS.
CFIS students are people who comes all over the State, from the rest of Europe and Latin America with high capacities and motivation to course cientific and tecnologic studies and that, previously to their enrolment, have had to succeed a rigourous selection process.
CFIS graduates are found at:
- Colleges and Research Centers here and abroad (MIT, Stanford, Irvine, École Polytechnique, Oxford, UPC, CSIC, IRI, BSC, ICFO, IESE,…).
- Companies and Institutions prestigious (Google, IBM, McKinsey, BCG, SNCF, Intel, Deloitte...)